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4 Ways To Make Custody Exchanges Less Stressful for Your Child

One of the hardest aspects of co-parenting are the frequent and inevitable custody exchanges.  The process of transferring your child to their other parent can prove difficult for even the savviest of parents.  Especially in high-conflict co-parenting situations, custody exchanges can be extremely stressful and heart-wrenching.   Although your custody transfer days may never become your favorite...

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'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting

'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting 101: So what exactly is 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting? Have you heard of this term? If you haven't, you're not alone. 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting refers to a unique child-centered Co-Parenting arrangement. More specifically, in a 'Bird's Nest' Co-Parenting arrangement, the child continues to reside in the same home, and the parents are the ones who take turns staying in the...

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3 Tips For Co-Parenting Young Children

According to Psychology Today, young children and toddlers are the age group that are most adversely affected by divorce or separation. Although divorce and co-parenting undoubtedly affects children of any age, the report by Edward Kruk Ph.D.found that because young children haven’t yet fully developed their cognitive and communication skills to be able to process and communicate their feelings,...

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3 Tips to Help With The “They Just Got Back From Their Dad’s House” Haze

If you’re a co-parent, you may have experienced the ‘they just got back from Dad’s / Mom’s house’ funk that routinely occurs when your child returns to your house after visiting their other parent. What is this odd transition phase? And what can parents do to assist their children with their parenting time transitions?I first experienced this phenomenon when my son was very young, but as he’s...

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What To Say When Your Child Asks If You Still Love Daddy

It’s inevitable.  Regardless of how well you’ve explained your divorce or separation to your child, there comes a day when your child looks up at you and asks you point-blank if you still love their other parent.  What prompts this question in your little?  And what is the best way to address it?    Admittedly for most parents, this question can bring up stress from past divorce or separation...

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